Neonatal and maternal risks. Neonatal and maternal risks.
Its also known as a cesarean birth.
What happens during a c section. What happens during a C-section. Most hospitals strive to make a cesarean delivery as family-friendly as possible with Mom awake but appropriately numb her partner in the room and a chance to meet greet cuddle and possibly breastfeed baby if you so choose right after delivery if theres no medical reason not to. And because you arent preoccupied with pushing or pain youre often able to relax and marvel at the birth.
Caesarean sections are carried out in hospital. If theres time to plan your caesarean youll be given a date for it to be carried out. Youll stay in hospital for 3 or 4 days on average.
The doctor or midwife will explain what will happen and ask you to sign a consent form. The consent form describes what happens before during and after the c-section. It also explains the risks of the c-section and the anaesthetic.
If your c-section is planned you will be asked to sign the consent form at an appointment before your operation. Ask your doctor to explain anything you dont. A C-section is a way of delivering a baby by surgery that opens up the mothers abdomen and uterus.
Its also known as a cesarean birth. Though many women are certain ahead of time that theyll. But repeat C-sections come with potential complicationslike placenta accreta where the placenta remains attached to the uterine wall after delivery something that can cause severe bleeding.
A cesarean section aka c-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver baby through incisions made in a mothers abdomen and uterus. Its considered to be major surgery so a c-section can potentially lead to more complications for you and baby than a vaginal birth. But if your health or the health of your child is at risk during childbirth a c-section may be the safest way to bring baby into.
Extra things you that you can expect to happen during a C-section. You will be advised not to eat for 12 hours prior to your C-section. This of course may vary depending if you need to have an emergency C-section or your water breaks before your scheduled delivery date and so forth.
Before your C-section your baby will be monitored to make sure everything is okay. Your blood pressure will be. C-section recoveries are much more difficult than vaginal recoveries as well anyone who has had a C-section can tell you that.
It makes it much more difficult to get around you have to deal with incision pain the healing process is longer and you definitely need a lot more help from family and friends. Many women take up to 8 weeks off after a C-section because it truly takes that long to. The most common reasons for a cesarean delivery are issues with the placenta baby in breech position fetal distress or no progress during.
An elective caesarean section is usually planned after 39 weeks of pregnancy. This is because theres a chance your baby might have breathing problems soon after birth if theyre born any earlier. This is less likely if theyre born after 39 weeks.
In gentle c-section the surgery remains the same the difference is that efforts are made to personalize the experience and mimic a vaginal birth. Lights may be dimmed music may be played the drape that normally obscures the moms view of the operation may be clear and once the babys head is out of the abdomen the rest of the body is brought out slower this can help to squeeze out fluid from. According to Parents the afterbirth consists of the placenta and blood and its usually delivered fully intact without complication.
For C-sections however the placenta isnt delivered. In most c-sections the patients bladder and intestines are just moved aside still within the abdominal cavity so the surgeon can better see and reach the uterus. In rare cases the intestines may need to be temporarily lifted out of the patients body if they were harmed during the surgery and need attention.
If you run into an emergency during labor you may also need a C-section. Here are a few examples of when this might be the safer option. Your labor isnt progressing as it should.
Your baby is. Read about what happens during a c-section here. Read about preparing for a c-section here.
Glavind J Uldbjerg N 2015 Elective cesarean delivery at 38 and 39 weeks. Neonatal and maternal risks. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 27.
Hofmeyr GJ Hannah M Lawrie TA 2015 Planned caesarean section for term breech delivery. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. An emergency C-section is one that happens very quickly due to immediate concern for the health of the mother andor baby.
The goal is that no more than.